Tuesday, March 29, 2016

"The newness of spring"

One of the best things about spring is that the days become longer.  There is nothing better than waking up to the sun shining bright and warm.  Here in Saskatchewan the winters can be long, cold and dark.  It seems like an eternity, but finally when the sun begins to rise a little earlier each day, it beckons us to crawl out of our winter hibernation and embrace the excitement of spring.  It is like the sun is calling out to us, it’s time to rise and shine!
Just as the sun calls out through its light and warmth the Word of God calls out: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord shines over you.” Isaiah 60:1 
We are called to be spiritual sunshine everywhere we go.  Just as the sun brings light and warmth we are to bring love, mercy, joy, kindness and hope everywhere we go. In a world full of spiritual despair and darkness we are to be bright lights shining forth the glory of God.  

As you embrace the newness of spring, allow the sun be a constant reminder that we are called to shine brightly with the goodness of God.  

Joyelle Gagnon was powerfully touched by the presence of God in 2006.  At that moment she made the decision to pursue the Kingdom of God.  Since experiencing God’s transforming powershe has a passion to see others set free in every area of life. Joyelle longs to see the Church of God rise up and impact our communities, cities and nations. Whether it is writing, speaking or teaching, Joyelle loves to convey biblical principles in a practical manner that will equip and call to action the people of God. Joyelle with her husband Paul and daughter Sophie live in Hanley Saskatchewan and attend Faith Alive Family Church.  

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